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Help Save Copper Sky!

Thank you for joining us to help Save Copper Sky! We are a group of Maricopa citizens who are concerned about the potential impact a new development will have on our community amenities and traffic. Last year, the City of Maricopa sold Copper Sky Rec Complex to a developer who has initiated plans to build a bio-tech campus.


We support responsible growth and development in Maricopa. While these projects generally benefit our community, we are concerned about the future of our ball fields, dog park, and how this massive development will negatively impact traffic. We are organizing to ensure the City is doing the right thing: holding the developer to a standard that requires them to relocate, construct, and maintain new fields and a dog park, along with infrastructure to help manage traffic.


Add your name to our petition to help us protect our community:

We want to ensure the developer is required to do the following before they have their plans approved:

  1. Relocate and rebuild our ball fields and sports facilities;

  2. Relocate the existing dog park

  3. Provide a traffic plan and funding for infrastructure to minimize traffic impact


Sign up today to receive periodic updates about the project and how you can help.


The developer will be hosting an open house and presenting before Planning and Zoning and City Council in the coming weeks, and we need to make sure our voice is heard so the City holds the developer to the highest possible standard before project approval is granted. If not, there is no guarantee the community will get our world class facilities back, as has been promised.


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Children's Race

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